Teaching Assistants

The TAs will be your lifeline this semester. They will be available in the times indicated on the grid below to help you with your homework and term projects. They are all knowledgable and kind. Please take advantage of this excellent resource. They will also grade the homework assignments.

The TAs will be available to answer questions and make announcements on the class slack channel. Make sure you are set up on slack here.

All VBA-related homework must adhere to the VBA Coding Standards. Points will be deducted if these standards are not followed.

Given the changes to class structure with COVID-19, the CAEDM lab in CB 425 is now restricted and all help will be done through zoom during these times. Each TA has a different zoom link which will take you to their virtual meeting room during their hours; their zoom links are given below. The resources page contains all the information you need in order to attend class and complete the homework assignments. Good luck with this semester, we hope you will all succeed!

Anna Cecil


Zoom link: https://byu.zoom.us/my/annace

Additional office hours by appointment.

Grades attendance.

Renae Dobbs


Zoom link:  https://byu.zoom.us/my/renaedobbs 

Grades homeworks 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, & 25.


Nathan Godfrey


Zoom link: https://byu.zoom.us/j/94459182368 

Grades homeworks 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, & 24.

Andrew Harline


Zoom link: https://byu.zoom.us/my/andharline

Grades homeworks 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, & 23.