In order to be successful in this class you must have access to Microsoft Excel on a computer that can run windows. Due to limited access of the CAEDM lab, this is made possible through online resources for those who do not have a computer that runs windows or prefer to use their J drive.
All class, office hours, and TA help will be held on Zoom. For attendance and breakout purposes you must use the same email every class period. Set up your zoom account beforehand and make sure your correct name is displayed for class. Here are some helpful tutorials:
How to Download Zoom
Joining and Configuring Audio & Video
Sharing Your Screen
See the Online Tab in Learning Suite for the Zoom Meeting Links
LabConnect is arguably the easiest and most functional resource. It allows CAEDM users to remotely access desktop computers in various college and department labs from off campus.This gives you access to your J Drive as well as Adobe, Microsoft, and other applications.
Citrix XenApp is a commercial tool that allows users to remotely access "published" applications (i.e. Adobe and Microsoft Applications). It allows reasonable application performance over the internet. Citrix works well with most applications. You can either use the applications Citrix provides or you can use the web interface and get access to everything. It is less simple to use than LabConnect and may not consistently save your work.
Download Citrix: This link should allow you to download and access the citrix web interface
Preferred Citrix Download for Mac